Winclipper 1.4.2 Released
This release of Winclipper includes the following bug fixes: Fixed an issue with checkbox labels getting cut off at the end in Settings. Added checks to make sure the control key has its state properly restored if the user is holding it down while selecting a clip (thanks micjoh for giving me a way to reproduce the “phantom V issue”!).
Winclipper 1.4 Released
Update: I had to push out 1.4.1 real quick to fix an issue with the updater continuously popping up on startup. Sorry for the inconvenience! This release of Winclipper includes the following features and bug fixes: Dark Mode! Winclipper now follows your window color settings in Windows 10 and up in the Settings menu. I might expand this in the future. Adds an option for “Paste immediately on click” that can be disabled so that Winclipper only adds items to...
Well, I guess now that Safari 13 is out, BPM is officially dead on Safari. It had a good run. It almost made it to the end of the show itself. It’s hard to think that the show has been around for nearly 10 years, and BPM has been around nearly as long, and living in many different incarnations. So I guess this is kind of a toast to BPM for Safari. Thanks for being the first open source project...
Winclipper 1.3.4 Released
This release of Winclipper includes the following improvements and bug fixes: Bitmaps will now be rendered using nearest neighbor on displays at native resolution to produce a crisper image. The 16x16px icon looks a little cleaner and rounder. I adjusted a few pixels that make it look better when rendered as an icon. Text padding will no longer be incorrectly applied to the preview window size when displaying images. Removed a sizing handle that was added to the settings window...
Winclipper 1.3.3 Released
This release of Winclipper includes the following improvements and bug fixes: Winclipper will now check to see whether or not it is already running, and will not open again if it’s already running. If Windows Explorer crashes or is restarted, Winclipper will now add its notification icon back to the system tray. Fixed a nasty crash that occurred in some situations when Direct2D didn’t clean itself up properly. Added additional safety when attempting to write a file.
Winclipper 1.3.2 Released
I forgot to make a post for version 1.3.1, but to summarize, I fixed an issue with duplication of bitmaps and made sure that bitmaps were prioritized over text for previews. Now that that’s out of the way, lets move on to the 1.3.2 patch notes: Fixed a race condition that caused a build-up of orphaned bitmaps on disk. If you want to clean up any existing orphaned bitmaps, I recommend unchecking “Save clips to disk” in the Settings window,...
Winclipper 1.3 - The Final Release
So much for that Winclipper 1.2 writeup that I never made. Whoops. Today marks the release of Winclipper 1.3 which will, for all intents and purposes, be the final release of Winclipper. I haven’t been nearly as active on this blog as I thought I would be (blame twitter), but at the very least, I should make the effort to post about software releases here (especially because I’ve become less professional and more personal on my twitter account lately). So,...
Removing Disqus
After writing my Privacy Policy in the midst of the whole GDPR thing, I kind of realized that I didn’t much like that Disqus could still potentially be tracking users of the site (even though I had all of the tracking/telemetry data turned off) since they do keep a session cookie for the current user. I think it’s a good platform for people who do need comments and the ability to monetize, but at present, I need neither of those...
Winclipper 1.1 - A Retrospective
I just want to start this post with a massive, “Phew.” Winclipper 1.1 was an interesting release for me compared to its 1.0 initial release. I built Winclipper for myself rather than for any particular person (the fact that there are any people using it at all is nothing short of mind blowing!), and I was creating it as an opportunity to teach myself C++ and the Win32 API. It took almost exactly one year from me clicking “New Project”...
The Need to Archive
I never used to really understand people who downloaded everything that they came across. I also used to believe that anything that existed on the internet could never truly be erased. All of that changed recently when I saw a video that I had liked from the MLP fandom get re-uploaded to a channel that tracks this kind of deleted content. At this point, I paused and said to myself, “Maybe downloading all of your favorite stuff isn’t so crazy....