New Website Things
February 28, 2015
Since the level system in cursed-breakout is taking a little longer to implement than I anticipated it to, I decided to take a break and work on the website. Notably, I have a real footer now with links that you can click to connect with me on the internet. There is also a new About page that replaces the old Contact page that I was using previously. Under the hood, I made a lot of little changes to the way that things are padded and spaced out. I definitely still need to clean up a few of my CSS classes, but overall things are looking good.
The biggest news of all, however, is that I now have a comment system courtesy of Disqus! So now you can enjoy conversing about the content that I post, and maybe engage in some discussion with me. Also, for anyone using an iPhone 6 or 6+, could you let me know if you have any issues with the site? I’m trying to handle it properly, but goodness it is making media queries a pain! So, what do you think of all these awesome changes? Let me know in the comments.