Too Many Options
Something that I’ve come to realize is that I’m terrible at committing to a project. Reddit would tell me that this is the plight of every developer, but were that completely true, we wouldn’t have all of the handy utilities that we use every day. What makes committing to a project so difficult? I have come to the conclusion that (besides boredom) the reason is due to the imperfections of every language. Given enough time and complexity, a developer will...
Still Not Dead - Also UWP Stuff
I guess I haven’t posted in a while. Not here anyway. There really isn’t very much incentive to because people don’t ever seem to come to this site. Not really surprising. What’s happened in my life since my last post? The answer: not much. I’ve stayed busy with work for the most part, but I’ve worked a little bit on some personal projects. I guess this will be another one of those data-dump kind of posts. Work things that I...
I'll Be a Little Inactive for a While
I’m currently the Dungeon Master for a D&D 5e campaign (Hoard of the Dragon Queen), and it’s taking up a fair amount of my time since I’m still getting used to being a DM. I do plan on getting back to software development whenever I get things a bit more organized. This past weekend included attending Tokyo in Tulsa, running our first campaign session, and taking my car into the dealership. And all of this while I’m playing PokémonGO. If...
Apple Watch Achievement Woes and Resolutions

Picture this… You’re attempting to get a Perfect Month achievement on your Apple Watch. One day you lose track of time and don’t do your evening workout. You realize that you are almost out of time, and so you make a mad dash to get your activity in for the day. You look like you’re going to make it, and then you do! You notice something is wrong, however. You never saw the achievement pop up, and now the time...
Making of a Developer
Well, well, well. It finally happened. I had to bite the bullet and pay for Apple Developer membership. It’s not a big price to pay, and it’s not like it will go unused, but more on that later. This post is (mostly) about the journey that I had to take to get there. But first, a little history lesson on how I got here. A Little History BetterPonymotes (BPM) is a browser add-on that sticks My Little Pony emotes into...
Nope, I Was Wrong

Turns out the certificate that I got was not what I thought it was. My certificate is still set to expire in March. I’ll be honest, I do not understand certificates one bit. I understand what they do, but I have no idea how they work and what’s what. If anyone out there has a concise explanation of how code signing works, and how different types of certs (root, intermediate, etc.) work, please let me know in the comments. Looks...
New Year and I'm Still Lazy
Goodness, it has been a long time since I’ve posted. I almost posted something in September, but then I decided against it, because there really wasn’t anything interesting to be said in it. So what has been happening? Well, I got a job as a software developer, and that has been going quite well, but at the moment I’m very busy. I’m actually the only developer who’s actively working on customer deployments, and they are really beginning to pile up....
Stuff About Ponymotes and Life
Seems like forever since I’ve posted. I’ve been so busy over the past month or so between work, a convention, and working on BetterPonymotes. Truth be told, the BPM Safari repo is actually pretty out of date now, but it’s not for a bad reason. As a matter of fact, I’m now a contributor to the BPM core repo! Since Typhos is busy working on other projects for the most part, he’ll just continue to add emotes as he has...
Apple Watch Unboxing

It arrived! While there is still no word from Apple on the developer program (though I suspect that they will comment on it soon enough. The developer backlash is pretty huge). I am happy to get my Apple Watch though, and while the photos didn’t turn out quite like how I was hoping they would (home renovations, so stuff is being moved around and the good lighting isn’t really an option), I hope you find the box contents interesting. One...
S O S E - Save Our Safari Extensions
Just a day after praising Apple for all of the things that they are doing with OS X, iOS, and Watch OS, I’m now quite miffed at them for what they announced just today. Now as you may remember, there used to be separate developer programs for each of the different Apple products available, but yesterday they announced the consolidation of those programs. What they neglected to mention until the email that I received today was that the Safari Developer...